Import Sketches |
If you want to import a sketch that you initially created in Apex there are several ways to do so.
Import from WinTOTAL |
TOTAL imports the sketch into your report. If the sketch is an Apex sketch that you wish to convert to TOTAL for Tablet PC format, ensure that TOTAL for Tablet PC is set as your preferred sketcher and simply edit the sketch file.
Import from TOTAL for Tablet PC |
TOTAL for Tablet PC imports the sketch and, if it's an Apex sketch, converts it to TOTAL for Tablet PC format.
Drag & Drop Import |
TOTAL for Tablet PC also supports drag and drop file imports. If you know the location of the sketch file or WinTOTAL report containing the sketch file you wish to import on your computer, just browse out to that folder on your computer's hard drive (in Windows) and then drag and drop the sketch file or WinTOTAL report file onto an empty sketch in TOTAL for Tablet PC. TOTAL for Tablet PC imports the sketch and, if it's an Apex sketch, converts it to TOTAL for Tablet PC format.
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