The ScheduleAssist PowerView provides a comprehensive view of all the appointments you've created. To access the ScheduleAssist PowerView, simply click the ScheduleAssist tab in TOTAL's Appraisal Desktop.

From the ScheduleAssist PowerView, click a category on the left ( A ) to filter the list of appointments by a particular status. Select an appointment ( I ) to view the appointment Details ( J ), History ( K ), Suggested Appt Info ( L ), and view additional options ( M ). Continue reading below for a full breakdown of each feature in the ScheduleAssist PowerView.

- The categories on the left serve as filters: click once to filter, click again to remove the filter.
- Click the Refresh button (
) to refresh the list and display any new appointments, or any changes that have been made since the last time it was updated. Click the Clear all filters button (
) to remove all of the filters that have been applied and reset to the default view.
- Click the Appraiser dropdown to choose one or more appraisers and filter the list of appointments to display only those assigned to the selected appraiser(s).
- Click the dropdown next to the Start Date and/or End Date filters to choose a date range to filter the list of appointments and show only the appointments within that range.
- Click Launch Calendar to open your connected calendar in your default browser.
- Use the search bar to filter the list of appointments and display only the appointments that match the criteria you enter.
- Click the User drop‑down menu to access your ScheduleAssist Settings, Calendar Access, and Text Templates.
- Click the Columns dropdown to add and view additional columns. Click a column header to sort the list of appointments by that column.
- Each row is an appointment (or pending appointment) with a status: overdue, pending, scheduled, closed, completed, or canceled.
- Select an appointment in the list of appointments ( I ) to view the appointment details in the Details tab of the preview pane.
- The History tab of the preview pane displays each follow‑up note entered for the appointment, as well as system‑generated activities like scheduled via portal, canceled, rescheduled, etc.
- The Suggested Appt Info tab displays the details behind each of the times offered to the contact when the appointment was scheduled, or details of when a contact visited the scheduling portal. Click the Quick View Icon (
) to view all of the considerations and settings behind the times offered.
- Reschedule
- Opens the appointment wizard and allows you to change the time or date of an appointment.
- Cancel
- Cancels the appointment and removes it from your calendar.
- Follow‑up
- Allows you to add a note each time you attempt to contact your homeowner. This is helpful when a lender calls to ask "what's the status?". You can check the History tab ( K ) to view all of your follow‑up attempts and inform them "I've called three times — the latest being yesterday at 2pm."
- Report
- If the report is available on the current computer, click the Report button to open the related report in TOTAL, or bring it to the foreground if it's already open.