July 16, 2024 Update

This document details the complete list of changes made to TOTAL with the July 16, 2024 update.

Document 60505  |  Last updated:  07/16/2024 MJY


  • The Appraisal Institute of Canada's 2024 Residential Appraisal Report full forms (English & French), along with supporting forms, are now available.
  • The 2024 Compliance Inspection Report major and minor forms are now available.


  • TOTAL's feedback button now directs the user to our dedicated Feedback site feedback.alamode.com.

Subjective and Bias Terms

  • Upon updating TOTAL, this feature will now be enabled by default for any users who have not previously enabled or disabled the setting in a prior update.
  • Removed the word "Term" from the default list.

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