July 21, 2015 Update

This document details the complete list of updates and changes made to TOTAL released with the July 21, 2015 update.

Document 60342  |  Last updated:  07/21/2015 MJY


  • The 1004D minor form can now be saved as an XML file.

Appraisal Desktop

  • A rare issue that prevented attaching Aurora's report folders in TOTAL has been resolved.
  • Trying to deliver a report that is already open will no longer cause TOTAL to close unexpectedly.


  • The USPS verification tool now displays standardized addresses even when one or more properties are missing City, State, or ZIP data.
  • The FHA/VA Case Number is now copied to the Other File Number field when starting a report from TOTAL Connect or from TOTAL for Mobile.
  • A Deliver menu option has been added to the Appraisal Desktop and report menu bars.

Forms Engine

  • The Effective and Inspection Dates are no longer included when merging a report to ensure the accuracy of the calculations.
  • Switching between the Forms PowerView and the Side‑by‑Side PowerView will retain the position in the form.
  • The subject's actual age calculation will now be updated if the Effective Date of the report is changed.
  • Form text will no longer overflow to the VSS Pre-Delivery Check Commentary Addendum.
  • TOTAL will no longer close unexpectedly if a recent response is used that requires font size reduction based on user settings.

Athena/Aurora Transition Assistant

  • User data that contained unsupported characters is now resolved before import to prevent issues related to launching TOTAL with corrupt user data.

Comps Database

  • Properties deleted from the Comps Database can now be re-imported with the Comps Importer.
  • Changing the Major form in a report from a UAD version to a non-UAD version no longer causes UAD field data to be saved to the Comps Database when the report is saved.
  • The Comps Importer will no longer run every time TOTAL is opened if there are Athena reports in the File Manager.

Configuration Options

  • File numbers beginning with zero will now be retained when selecting the automatic file numbering option.

Assignment PowerView

  • Merging from a report that contains a Lender/Client suite number will no longer populate the suite number field in the current report's address field when an address is present.
  • The FHA/VA Other File Number Mismatch warning will display regardless of which field has focus in the Order Form.

Spell Check

  • Spell check will correct misspelled words as it comes across them instead of correcting all in bulk at the end of the process.
  • Using the "Ignore All" button on a misspelled word will no longer ignore the same word on any subsequent spell checks if the spell checker is run again.

File Manager

  • Improved the reliability of the report saving process in cases where local settings data has been corrupted.


  • To improve usability, we added keyboard shortcuts to messages that appear in SmartAddress.
  • Improved keyboard navigation throughout SmartAddress to match the navigation in the Side‑by‑Side PowerView.
  • SmartAddress will no longer re-enter an address that had been cleared using the "==" function.
  • The Bathroom Count field data now transfers to the current report when copying data from SmartAddress.


  • Added a new large two-photo addenda.
  • Updated the Summary of Salient Features form.
  • Added an Additional Listings page for the Wells Fargo Land Appraisal Report (WFLND).

Mapping Wizard

  • Added the option to turn off the +4 on zip codes for non-UAD forms.
  • Any changes to the text in property balloons is now saved and displayed on the map.
  • Listings and rentals now display with the same confidence level as a comparable with the same address.

Sketch PowerView

  • A rare issue that prevented the launch of the sketching application has been resolved.

Forms PowerView

  • Added a new Close option in the Find and Replace window.
  • In Find and Replace, the next matching instance found is now highlighted automatically.


  • An incorrect flood map number will no longer be generated if no flood map exists.

Forms Specific

  • An issue that caused the Monthly Rent Schedule to calculate incorrectly in the 71B major form has been resolved.
  • When using the adjustments in % of $ on a GP Land form, the Net Adjustment now shows in % immediately instead of after closing and reopening the report.

Save XML and PDF

  • The file name selection made will now be remembered and displayed during subsequent uses of the function.

Side‑by‑Side PowerView

  • The Neighborhood Name field in the Subject section of page one of the URAR will now transfer to the Neighborhood field in the Subject's header in the Side‑by‑Side PowerView.
  • Comparable fields will no longer become blank if the corresponding Detailed View field is blank when the comp is moved within the Side‑by‑Side PowerView.

Workfile PowerView

  • Comparables added to the Workfile via the merge process can now be successfully restored.
  • Sending multiple comparables with the same address but with different unit numbers to the Workfile will now save separate comparables.


  • The Gross Adjustment calculation will be recalculated to include the updated GLA adjustment after the sketch has been modified and the subject's GLA has changed.
  • Added SmartAdjust support for the 704B Limited Appraisal Analysis - Summary Appraisal Report major form.


  • A rare issue that prevented creating a Timeline event for a report while it's being delivered has been resolved.
  • TOTAL will now prompt to save the report before opening Timeline in order to prevent issues related to restoring previous Timeline versions of the report.

Addenda PowerView

  • Custom Addendum text can now be saved when using the Canadian Cover Letter (CDCVR) form.

Contents PowerView

  • Improved the ability to search for specific forms, such as the BB&T/ZB form.

Errors & Omissions

  • Proper data in the Assessed Value, Taxes, and Fees section of the ZBRI, ZBRI2, ZBRI3, ZBRIS2, ZBRIS3, and BBTVAL forms no longer causes an erroneous E&O warning.

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