September 10, 2013 Update
This document details the complete list of updates and changes made to TOTAL released with the September 10, 2013 update.
Document 60314 | Last updated: 09/10/2013 MJY
This update includes a host of performance and stability improvements you'll appreciate. That's been our focus for the last few months. As a result, TOTAL has become noticeably faster and more stable.
Appraisers who are new to our TOTAL platform will appreciate this update in particular because it includes our all-new converters. Use them to convert your old comps databases from SFREP, ClickFORMS, and ACI so they'll show up in TOTAL as if they were built there in the first place. Former ACI users can convert their old photo database too.
Here are a few of the other items you'll see in tomorrow's update (See the full release notes below):
- You'll be able to exclude the invoice, photos, and/or workfile when sending reports via e‑mail.
- In the MLS Text File Importer, a new "Apply to All" button has been added, allowing you to instantly designate all properties as a sale, listing, or rental before importing them into TOTAL.
- You can access the MLS Text File Importer from the Side‑by‑Side toolbar.
- There's a myriad of tweaks in TOTAL Sketch — corners will blink when the cursor is aligned with them, pen input will work with Windows 8, landscape orientation printing, and much more.
- You'll now be prompted to place comparables you've removed in your workfile.
As always, thanks for giving us your thoughts via the Feedback feature inside TOTAL. Several of these changes came directly from the Feedback option, which obviously is the whole point. We read them every day and we can track them much better than standard e‑mails. Please keep them coming and we'll keep making TOTAL better.
That's all for now, but expect another update very soon.
The TOTAL Product Team
P.S. In case you missed our previous update messages, click here for the release note archive.
- We fixed a problem that could cause AutoRecover to fail in some instances.
- An issue that caused TOTAL to occasionally close while merging a report has been corrected.
- We resolved a rare issue that removed photos from a report after it's signed.
Addenda PowerView
- You'll be able to apply formatting styles to addenda text.
Appraisal Desktop
- TOTAL will remember the folder panel layout when resizing.
Comps Database
- You'll be able to start a new report from the Comps Database.
Competitor Conversion
- You can convert the comparables database from ClickFORMS, ACI, and SFREP, as well as ACI photo databases.
Data Entry
- We fixed an issue that required clicking the Sign button twice to sign a report.
Digital Signatures
- Pressing "Enter" at the end of a multi‑line field will no longer move to the next field when drop‑down lists are configured to show recent responses and "Enable autocomplete for all drop‑down lists" is checked.
- You'll be able to use the Tab key to navigate away from a UAD field after pressing Escape to close the DFE.
E&O PowerView
- An E&O warning will be given whenever the "Proximity to Subject" is missing the direction on a UAD major form.
- We fixed a problem that showed an incorrect E&O error, "At least one of the City, State, or ZIP code items doesn't match the Subject," in specific reports.
Forms PowerView
- Merging into a report more than once longer causes the scrollbar in Report Contents to stop working.
Mapping Wizard
- Subject addresses in Manitoba, Canada will be placed on the map in the correct location.
MLS Text File Importer
- A new "Apply to All" button has been added, allowing you to instantly designate all properties as a sale, listing, or rental before importing them into TOTAL.
- Matching a source field with multiple destination fields or splitting the source field will no longer add a leading space.
- The "Import To" settings for each property will be remembered if you go back to step 2 and return to step 3.
- You'll be able to delete Field Mapping Templates.
- Instead of "comparables", comparable sales will be referred to as "sales" in the drop‑down in step 3.
- "Sale" will be the default selection for comparables in step 3.
New Form
- StreetLinks Comparable Opinion Report [S.C.O.R.E]
Printing and Delivery
- We fixed a problem that caused certain reports to print the page numbers in a larger font.
- Contacts within the report will be available from the drop‑down for To and CC when delivering a TOTAL report via email.
- You'll be able to exclude the invoice, photos and/or workfile when sending reports via e‑mail.
- Pre-defined subject templates will be available from the subject drop‑down when delivering a TOTAL report via e‑mail.
- We fixed a problem that prevented QuickLists from working in the Addenda split‑screen in certain scenarios.
- We fixed an issue that could cause the program to close when deleting a QuickList.
Side‑by‑Side PowerView
- You'll be prompted to choose whether or not to place removed comparables in the workfile.
- Quickly enabling and disabling detailed view will no longer cause the photo for the comparable to display a red X.
- The MLS Text File Importer will be accessible from the Side‑by‑Side toolbar.
Sketch PowerView
- The Sketch PowerView will display correctly with a Canadian major form.
- Downloading a report with a sketch from the cloud while in the Sketch PowerView will automatically refresh the PowerView to display the newly imported data.
Tech Support Assistant
- A new Tech Support Utility will identify Windows permission problems that can cause the program to function incorrectly.
TOTAL Sketch
- We fixed a problem that prevented certain sketches from fitting the screen correctly.
- Corners will blink when the cursor is aligned with them.
- You'll be able to individually select the "Show Area Name", "Show Perimeter", and "Show Area Calculation" Area Properties when the global option for "Show area name and calculations" is unchecked.
- We fixed a problem that caused areas with fill settings to display improperly after scrolling off screen and back.
- Changing the font or font size of a label using the toolbar will no longer remove formatting.
- You'll be able to change the chord length of an arc using the pen after using the pen to change a different constraint.
- We fixed a problem that caused items on the sketch to be duplicated when copying and pasting symbols.
- Copying and pasting a label will retain font settings.
- We fixed a problem that could cause collinear lines to be improperly merged together.
- Deleting the last line of an auto-closed area will no longer prevent closing the area again.
- You'll be able to add line breaks to label text.
- Areas defined as a 2 car garage will default to a non-living area instead of a subtracted area.
- You'll be able to subtract child areas from patios.
- We fixed a problem that could cause TOTAL Sketch to close when working with sketches synced from a mobile device.
- You'll be able to cut an area out of a parent area when it begins and ends on a wall that's shared between the parent area and an attached external area.
- Drawing an attached area that begins at the end point of a garage and ends on the first floor will label the area as a patio instead of a second floor.
- You'll be able to use stamp mode after marking a symbol as a favorite.
- Lines or objects selected on a sketch will be unselected when you switch between modify, pan, or draw mode.
- Printing will support landscape orientation.
- We fixed a problem that caused TOTAL Sketch to close when editing a sketch that contained interior walls that weren't connected to anything.
- Pen input will work with Windows 8.
- We removed an extra layer of menus under the symbols drop‑down.
- Pressing "A" to auto close an area will close from the last cursor point instead of the mouse location.
- Pressing "J" with an area selected will move the cursor to the nearest point.
- Renaming a label for a room will no longer change the number of the room.
- Rotating a symbol with the arrow key will no longer move the cursor.
- Save has been added as a toolbar item.
- We fixed a problem that could prevent areas from closing when the end point is near the start point.
- Tapping on a line constraint with a pen will load the input dimension panel for that constraint instead of the line length.
- We fixed a problem that could cause interior walls and symbols to be removed when deleting an exterior wall.
- The Print Property Information option will be available when using TOTAL Sketch with TOTAL.
- We fixed a problem that could cause the program to stop responding when drawing an area that connects two other areas.
- The save prompt will display the unit of measurement specified in preferences.
TOTAL for Mobile Sync
- The correct form title for the [Digital/Large] Listing Photograph Addendum form will be displayed in TOTAL after downloading a report from TOTAL for Mobile.
Workfile PowerView
- Opening an Aurora report containing multiple saved comps in the workfile will be faster.
- Single clicking a PDF in the workfile will no longer attempt to open the file if there's a problem with the PDF viewer on the computer.
- You'll be able to mark reports with read only PDFs in the workfile as paid.