This is an unsupported feature that was released before we introduced QuickSource — a powerful, new tool that improved this process. The MLS Text File Importer is only available to customers who were actively using it before QuickSource was released. Click here to learn how QuickSource significantly reduces the amount of time and hassle involved with importing MLS data.
After you've set up your map file's settings, the next step is to establish the field mapping from each of your source file fields to the appropriate TOTAL comp grid field. Because you're having to match each field individually, this process can take a bit of time the first time you do it. But, the long–term time–savings and benefits are worth it.
Mapping is the act of establishing a relationship between a field (or fields) in your source file and its equivalent field (or fields) in TOTAL's comp grid.
The Source Field and data is highlighted in yellow when selected, as is the Destination Form Field in the form on the right. In the image below, Sale Price/Gross Living Area has been selected in the Source Fields on the left, and the corresponding form field has been selected in the Destination Form Fields on the right (again, indicated with a yellow highlight).
In some cases there may be shorthand entered in certain fields, or data that you would like to modify across all properties before importing. Click Clean Up to specify how the importer should handle this data. For example, if the MLS data uses "SF" for square footage, you can tell the importer to always replace that value with "Sq. Ft."
Click Show Mapped to display a list of all fields that you have mapped for the current form.
When you create the map for your MLS, you do so on a recreation of the expanded comp grid for your report form. You can switch which form you're looking at in the Destination Form Fields pane on the right by using the dropdown above the pane. For example, if you have data that includes a Unit # for your records, you'll have to map that on the Condo form because the 1004 doesn't include a unit field number.
Note that when you switch the form view from one form to another, any common fields that you have already mapped are retained. As you add fields on your second form, they are added to the master list of mapped fields for the template. This creates a template that can be used against multiple types of major forms when you're importing data. Make sure that you examine each form for possible fields that you can map in order to build the most flexible and useful mapping template possible.